Saturday, February 9, 2013

Inside - Probably More Than You Care To Know

Awhile ago, I was home digging frantically through one of my purses searching for something. My mom stopped for a second watching me and then laughed, asking what on earth I keep in there. I started listing off a few of the random things I pulled out (Play-Doh, a pair of flip-flops, a book...), and she raised an eye-brow and said, "You ought to go through it all sometime
and write a blog post about it."

Well, folks, tonight was that time. I own 4 large bags/purses and 2 smaller ones, but because I only regularly use one of them, the other five were mostly empty. That means most of this junk was only in one of them. Over a few years, they have accumulated a certain....personality. As I went through them tonight, I couldn't help but think of a song from my childhood on the Disney Silly Songs cassette where the kid lists all the random things he/she carries in his/her pocket.
Ready for the random?

13 pens | 9 pencils | 1 1/2 sticks of gum | pieces of an old candy-cane | 2 pairs of the glasses the eye doctor gives you after they dilate your eyes (and accompanying yellow-dye-stained tissues...ew.) | 1 stray Advil | 3 chap-sticks | 2 lip-glosses | 1 mascara | travel-sized conditioner and shampoo | 1 stray Jelly-bean | 1 spoon | 1 straw | way too many old receipts | an old tithing slip | a rock from my front yard back home | a Scooby-Doo band aid | lots and lots of candy wrappers | 4 movie ticket stubs | a recipe for my favorite clam sauce | my temple recommend | 1 football ticket | 5 Tylenol and Advil sample packs | 1 lighter | 3 markers | 1 water bottle (and 2 mini water bottles) | a ballroom dancing pin from a competition | my wisdom teeth extraction appointment confirmation | a pack of Lifesavers | a bottle cap for Luke's collection | a fortune cookie fortune | 4 NOWandLATERS | a Butterfinger bell | 2 toothpicks | 97c in change | 1 earring | 1 bracelet | 1 pair of gloves | a church program | a pocket knife | 2 hair ties | a phone charger adapter | an Australian key chain | 12 bobbypins | a sticker from The Nutcracker | an opera ticket and playbill | 2 mini bottles of lotion | a granola bar | 1 safety pin | 1 make-up brush | 2 lead refill containers for mechanical pencils | fingernail clippers | a toothbrush | and 2 forks (1 metal, 1 plastic).

Thoroughly disgusted with me? 
I tend to hold on to case that's not obvious. 
But on the other hand, 
I'm pretty much prepared for anything.

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1 comment:

  1. Seriously, I am the same way. I have a softball in my purse... ha!
